RMCG - Rhein-Main Consulting Group |
About the Trade Terms "Navigator" System
- Increasing bargaining power of customers
- Sophistication in information technology and transparency (end of geo-blocking in Dec 2018)
- Additional pressure from buying groups (e.g. COOPERNIC, AgeCore)
- Customer consolidations and retail buying alliances (e.g.: Carrefour Provera-Système U, Auchan-Metro Casino, etc.)
- Fixed amounts (lump sums) leading to higher rebates over the years
- Net-net-prices alignment demands across all markets
- New legislation forcing suppliers (and retailers) to install clear counterparts for retro-payments, e.g. Germany (9. Amendment GWB § 20a), Switzerland (StGB 322), Romania (EGO 39), Czech Republic (Act No. 50/2017), France (LME - Loi de Modernisation de l’Economie)
- Create internal Total Trade Spends (TTS) and pricing structure transparency (incl. nature of price corridors)
- Establish a common pricing and trade terms “language” across markets
- Re-model the given local trade terms structure and deduction schemes to guarantee a balanced rational between the substantial price increases and the net-net landings
- Develop a local/global TTS policy based on principles and guidelines reflecting the specific category & business environment
- Optimize existing local trade spends and future investments based on performance, derived from the global/local business driver architecture
- Make retro-payments conditional (or shift on-invoice)
- Build a solid and consistent framework across channels and customers
- Enhance the commercial power vs. customers
- Evaluate and carry-out shifting, re-allocation, transformation and folding opportunities
- Reduce complexity and harmonize Total Trade Spends (as far as possible)
- Enable the Key Account Management to deliver sustainable growth
- Test and implement the “Trade Terms Navigator” in pilot markets
Benefits of a new Trade Terms System
Performance Orientation
- New detailed defined terms based on a global framework
- Channel specific
- For relevant performances only
- Clear separation of performance terms vs. non-performance terms
- Remaining non-performance terms transparent/manageable
Profit Orientation
- Cutback of “moon prices” via “shifting” and “folding”
- Reduced terms & allowances volume
- Elimination of non-performance terms (folded into list-prices)
- Higher net-effect from list price increases
- Future launches with less terms & allowances burden
Transparency / Administration
- Less terms
- Clear definitions and rules
- Reduced complexity
- Simplified administration
- Improved terms & allowances management/-transparency
Reduce Future Risk
- Uniform terms & allowances structure
- Reduced playground for T&A negotiations
- Less “costs” from further investments based on the reduced base
- Total T&A spreads better manageable